Whether it’s just 30 seconds each morning or dedicated bedtime rituals, almost everyone has a skincare routine. Although we all have the finest intentions when it comes to taking care of our skin, sometimes we make common skincare mistakes without noticing it.
Your daily habits make a big difference when it comes to preventing damage and premature aging. There are good practices like using light therapy for skin care. You should adopt these rituals and avoid common skincare mistakes.
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Common Skincare Mistakes You Should Avoid
#1. Using Facial Wipes
Wearing face wipes will pull on your skin to remove makeup from your eyes. They are not good. These can only be used in an emergency. If you’re so tired that you can hardly stand in front of a sink, face wipes will come in handy. However, it’s obviously better than not washing at all.
Proper cleansing is one of the most essential factors for clear, healthy skin, especially if you are wearing makeup. If you don’t cleanse properly, you’ll never be satisfied with the latest and greatest moisturizers and serums.
You can’t just relax with your cleanser and think the other products will do the heavy lifting for you. It just doesn’t work that way. And you shouldn’t rely on facial wipes for regular use.
#2. Washing Your Face Too Fast
Consider washing your face as part of your “personal care” routine, not as a routine chore. It’s about loving yourself by taking time for yourself. Take your time massaging your cleanser on your face without rubbing.
Make sure there is nothing left, especially around the temples, forehead, and neck. It is one of the common skincare mistakes that brings calamity. If you speed up the facelift, it would be like washing your hands by hand after a football game. Do you really think you would remove all the dirt?
#3. Not Using Products Identical for Your Skin Type
The reason you don’t see better results with your skincare products is that they don’t meet your specific needs. Find out whether the product is identical to your skin type. And if the product is formulated for all skin types, proceed with caution. If you are genuinely looking for results, you must use products formulated exclusively for your skin’s unique needs.
#4. Using Microspheric Scrubs
Along with being detrimental to the environment, microbeads are harmful to the skin. They are too abrasive and can do more harm than good in the long run. “Natural” scrubs are not necessarily better. Many natural exfoliators use exfoliators like nutshells, which can cause small micro-abrasions on the skin, causing inflammation and infection. Don’t make this common skincare mistake ever again.
Stick to fruit-derived enzyme scrubs, which use natural alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) to remove dead skin cells. If you really like the shine effect of physical scrubs, use a clean washcloth to lightly remove dead skin cells. Just make sure it’s super clean, like fresh out of the clothes, and use it 2-3 times before rewashing it. Wipes are a haven for dirt and acne-causing bacteria, so you need to activate two of them to avoid re-contaminating your skin.
Taking Care of Your Imperfections in a Wrong Way
Most people will break out at some point in their life, and where they often go wrong is how they deal with a stain once it appears. Pick it up, apply spot treatments in the wrong phase, push and use abuse against evil. Types of Blemishes All of this will cause a stain that will last longer and leave a red or dark scar after the rash that can linger for months.
If it is a pustular spot, once the white spot is really visible, gently remove the infection with your finger. Then apply a spot drying treatment, which will penetrate the skin and eradicate any infection once it is removed.
If it is a cystic spot, which mainly occurs in the chin and jaw areas, it is essential to remember that the cysts will never reach the surface of the skin. This means there are no spikes!
#1. During Exfoliation
With the increasing popularity of cleansing brushes, chemical toners, retinoids, and scrubs, we all exfoliate too much. Excessive peeling can damage the skin’s moisture barrier, which in turn can lead to a host of problems including inflammation, acne, irritation, and sensitivity.
If you already use a retinoid regularly, you don’t need to use a chemical scrub on top. And if you’re using a physical scrub like a Clarisonic brush, you don’t need to stick to a glycolic acid toner. Choose your preferred form of exfoliation, and don’t do it more than three times a week. If you have sensitive or drier skin, once or twice a week is enough to see results without burning your skin.
And while you should always use an SPF during the day, it’s especially important to use a high SPF if you’re also using chemical scrubs and retinoids. In fact, these products can increase your skin’s sensitivity to sunlight and photodamage. Stick to an SPF 50 every day and wear a hat to protect your face on sunny days.
#2. Using Alcohol-Based Toners
Toners are a necessary step in a skincare regimen and should be used daily. The mistake people make in using one is that it often contains alcohol, which will only dehydrate the skin and increase the buildup of dull cells.
If you don’t use it, it’s because you notice that it leaves your skin dry. So you’re going to ignore it altogether and miss out on some significant skin benefits. Don’t make this common skincare mistake. Alcohol-free toners should be used after each cleanse because they hydrate the skin when wet before applying moisturizer, remove chlorine and minerals that dry out in tap water.
#3. Using Excessive Moisturizer
Adding multiple layers of moisturizer to soothe dry skin isn’t the same as switching to a creamier consistency. Using thicker layers of moisturizer will only cause clogged pores and product waste as your skin can only absorb a limited amount.
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