Curry is packed with delicious flavors that many of us genuinely enjoy. I mean so many wonderful spices and flavors come together in a single dish. It’s hard to resist, isn’t it? How about dogs though, can dogs eat curry?
Is it safe for your pet to enjoy a little bit of curry with you at the dinner table? To be honest, the question itself is so absurd because spices and the digestive system of a dog just don’t get along. Spicy foods such as curry are not only bad but also unsafe and dangerous to feed your precious pet. Be it a dog or a cat!
So in this post, let’s talk about that. And also find out why asking the question, what spices can dogs eat, is just not valid or reasonable.
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Can Dogs Eat Curry?
No, dogs should not consume curry. It’s not good for the digestive tract of a canine. Their digestive system just isn’t built to tolerate spices. And curry is loaded with all kinds of different spices.
You should also know that curry has other ingredients such as onion and sugar. And these two also are not stomach-friendly. So if your furry companion ends up consuming both or even one of them in a large quantity. It’s going to be a problem.
Spices and Other Ingredients in Curry – How They Affect Dogs
#1 Turmeric
The majority of curry recipes out there have turmeric used as the main ingredient. Now I’m sure you all know about the health benefits of turmeric. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of this particular spice are the reasons for its popularity.
So isn’t a diet full of antioxidants essential for canines too? Of course, it is because antioxidants help in fighting free radicals in the body. What are free radicals? They’re reactive molecules responsible for harming the cells present in the body. So what antioxidants do is destroy these cancer-causing free radicals.
Antioxidants also minimize the likelihood of other life-threatening medical issues like heart disease and diabetes. So it’s only common sense to assume that a diet filled with antioxidants reduces the chances of even cognitive decline. In both humans and dogs!
Then turmeric also offers anti-inflammatory benefits. It decreases the symptoms often associated with arthritis and similar muscle-related conditions. So if your aged dog is dealing with any such issues. Then a little bit of turmeric might help.
Apart from that, turmeric promotes digestive health, heart health, and liver function. So if your little creature has constipation or digestive issues. You can introduce turmeric into his/her diet.
But this doesn’t mean feeding turmeric in large amounts and daily. Or thinking that it’s okay for your dog to consume curry. The dish still contains a lot of other spices and ingredients that are bad for your dog’s health.
Read more: Can Dogs Eat Calamari? The Most Important Pros And Cons
#2 Garlic
Curry recipes are also full of garlic. And garlic is very harmful to dogs, no two ways about that.
But why is garlic such a dangerous ingredient? It’s because garlic comes from allium species. So it’s loaded with thiosulphate. This is nothing but a chemical that gives rise to Heinz Body Anemia. So too much garlic consumption can cause this kind of abnormality in dogs.
If your dog consumes as much as 5 grams, it means he/she has had an excessive amount of garlic. And this can result in death. Garlic may have the ability to lower cholesterol levels. But that doesn’t mean your dog should consume it.
#3 Onions
Onions, much like garlic, are also packed with the chemical thiosulphate. So even onions are highly likely to lead to Heinz Body Anemia in dogs. The condition I’m talking about here is quite severe. As it has the capacity to destroy the dog’s blood cells in the body.
So it’s not okay to feed your dog curry or any other foods infused with onions. Irrespective of whether the onion is cooked or raw. The most common symptoms associated with anemia include weakness, vomiting, and lack of appetite. Along with breathlessness.
If your precious little pup is showing these warnings signs. It means he/she has consumed an excessive amount. So you should rush to the vet immediately.
#4 Sugar
Sugar is also a part of many curry recipes. And it’s not new information that sugar is dangerous for dogs. It’s not healthy or natural for canines to consume sugar. Even if the consumption is limited or occasional.
What sugar does is, no matter the quantity, increases blood sugar levels. And that opens the door wide to many problems. Like weight gain, obesity, and diabetes.
Dog obesity is becoming more and more common these days. So as a responsible, caring, and loving pet parent, please keep sugar away from your dog.
Obesity in Pets: Veterinary Medical Conditions
Final Say – Can Dogs Eat Curry?
Turmeric does offer health benefits. But garlic, onion, and sugar don’t. And all of them are a part of most curry recipes. So the answer to the question, can dogs eat curry, is a big NO.
Onion and garlic have thiosulphate. It’s a chemical known to develop Heinz Body Anemia in dogs. Then there’s sugar, which is the most common cause of weight gain and diabetes in canines.
Please keep in mind that curry contains spices. And spices just don’t agree with the sensitive digestive system of dogs. Consumption can lead to diarrhea, vomiting, itching, and more. So why bother your pet with so many issues when you can feed him/her healthy dog food and treats!
Your naughty furry friend might enjoy the taste of curry. But as a parent and human, you should know better. And you do know better than to incorporate human food ingredients that aren’t stomach-friendly into your dog’s diet. Even occasionally it is not good!
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