If you want to know about what cats can or cannot eat. Such as sausage and if it’s healthy for them. You’re not in the wrong here. Cats can eat plenty of human foods such as brown rice, meat, eggs, and vegetables. You can also add cheese, vegetables, and fish to that list as well.
Though cats can eat all types of meat. Including chicken, beef, pork, fish, turkey, and lamb. Can cats eat sausage? Let’s think about this for a minute.
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Are Sausages Good For Cats?
Sausages are made from processed red meat. Chemicals such as nitrate and salts are added to the meat. This helps in preserving sausages for a longer time. But it is these chemicals that you need to consider when feeding cats.
Sausages are made up of entirely red meat. And red meat also contains a compound called Haems. Haems are red pigments that break down in the stomach into smaller compounds. These compounds irritate the bowel and cause inflammation.
Additionally, to preserve the sausage in packages, salt is added. Increased salt diet in humans, for example, leads to digestive and heart diseases. So it’s safe to say that cats metabolize food at a lesser degree than humans. Putting them greater at great risk of experiencing gas, constipation, and stomach pain.
Sausages also contain saturated fat and are high in calories. It’s important that your feline gets enough protein in his or her diet. Proteins are essential for a cat’s muscular growth and development. Foods that are high in calories can stunt their growth and well-being.
Not All Cats Eat Meat
When you feed your cat cooked meat, it is not out of the ordinary. That’s because cats are true carnivores. And they must eat to meet their nutritional needs for protein and amino acids. But meat also provides taurine, vitamins, and other essential amino acids.
Plant-based diets are unable to deliver such nutritional needs for a feline. And depriving your cat of such nutrients can lead to improper hair growth and skin problems.
Switching to vegetarian options can mean increasing your cat’s carbohydrate intake. Research shows that cats don’t metabolize carbohydrates the way humans do. This is because they do are missing an essential compound, amylase. Amylase is produced in the pancreas which helps in the digestion of carbohydrates.
So whatever carbohydrates your cat is consuming is directly being converted into fats. This could lead to obesity, heart diseases, and weight gain.
A good way to fuel your cat’s protein intake without feeding meat is opting for cat food. Wet and dry food contains plenty of proteins, vitamins, and iron. If you pick carefully, you can eliminate foods that are high in carbs and stick to lean meals only!
So, yes, it’s true that not all cats eat meat. Some cats do enjoy the taste of vegetarian cat food.
Why Your Cat Shouldn’t Eat Sausages?
Sausages taste the way they do because they’ve been processed. The red meat is cured, salted, smoked, preserved, and packaged. This way the meat loses most of its essential nutrients. And is replaced by harmful compounds such as trans fats, sodium (salt), and nitrates.
Salt consumption in cats can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, or salt poisoning. Salt poisoning is a serious condition in both cats and dogs. And foods that contain salt in higher amounts, such as sausages, can do more harm for your cat than good.
While lean meat such as cooked lamb or beef is easy and quick to cook. It doesn’t contain sulfite or sodium the way processed meat does. This includes bacon, ham, and sausages.
For example, 100g of ham contains over 1000mg of sodium. So you can only imagine the amount of salt in a piece of sausage.
But if you really want to know. There are different types of sausages depending on how they are made. Some sausages contain ingredients such as onion powder or garlic. This increases the sodium content which is harmful to cats.
But if you look for more health-conscious brands, you may find a treat! These are sausages with little to no salt, no onion or garlic powder, and less trans fat. Though they are packaged, they have a shorter expiration date.
So feeding your cat one or two tiny pieces of sausage as a treat is safe. It’s critical that you stay away from commercial sausage brands selling in most stories. Lots of pet brands are offering special sausages for cats with less sodium and sulfites.
15 Toxic Foods Dogs And Cats Should Never Eat
Key Takeaway – Can Cats Eat Sausage?
To answer your question: Can cats eat sausage? It is strictly not recommended. Unless you buy sausages from a pet store with a little salt and other preservatives. A small piece of sausage, them, would be out of harm’s way.
Any processed meat condiment such as ham or bacon is not safe for cats. They contain plenty of salt, sulfites, and nitrate. These compounds cause inflammation and are hard to digest in cats. Also, they’re packed with trans fats and high in calories.
Your cat needs a steady diet of proteins, amino acids, and vitamins. This you can find in both veg and meat-based pet foods in wet or dry form. Hence, you should never include processed meat as a staple diet into your cat’s life.
They can be as delicious treats rather than a meal.
Do You Want to Know More Tips and Trick on TopTipsForHer?
1. https://allpetmagazine.com/can-cats-eat-bacon-ham/
2. https://www.catkingpin.com/can-cats-eat-sausage/
ASH Green says
Thank you so much for such an informative piece of information 🙂
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