Now, who doesn’t love coconuts! Coconut is a very common ingredient used for desserts, drinks, and all kinds of foods all over the world. Most people love it, so what about cats? Can cats eat coconut if they too simply love the creamy, sweet taste?
There are many food items that our feline companions shouldn’t be eating. So is coconut a part of that list? It’s time to find out below.
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A Flaky Treat for Cats
Cats love coconut, there’s no denying that. Felines enjoy the soft and crunchy texture of coconut flakes. They also love the mildly creamy and sweet taste of the fruit. So you can feed you precious cat a little bit of coconut.
In terms of toxicity, coconuts are safe. They’re not like grapes and chocolate. However, the fact remains true that the digestive system of a cat is not built for assimilating the fruit. This is why moderation seems like a wise decision.
But your cat cannot eat the coconut without your help. The flesh of the fruit is very tough for the feline to eat unless you shred it. However, not all cats enjoy consuming shredded coconut. In that case, there are other forms safe for your pet. Like coconut milk and coconut water. So however picky the cat is, he/she has options to try out.
Can Cats Eat Coconut Milk? Can Cats Eat Coconut Water?
What you see in movies and what you hear around is not something you should believe. It’s not safe for cats to consume a lot of cow milk. Much like humans, even felines develop lactose intolerance. Adult cats might appreciate the taste of milk. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t upset their tummy.
So if your adorable pet enjoys milk, then try switching to coconut milk. It’s a healthier choice. Coconut milk, much like the flesh of the coconut, is full of sugar and fat. To prepare this sweet, rich milky treat, simply soak some shredded coconut pieces in clean hot water. Until they turn creamy. And then just remove the leftover coconut flakes before feeding.
Another way of giving coconut milk to your cat is by mixing some of it in water like a treat. You can also add a very small portion of the milk to your pet’s wet food. The mixture becomes nice and creamy. If you feed this way, you’re keeping the sugar and fat intake to a minimum. At the same time, you’re letting your adorable feline devour the smell and taste of coconut.
Now, what about coconut water? It’s the juice present inside the fresh coconut. Coconut water has very high sugar content. However, is that the only coconut treats available? Then maybe 1-2 teaspoons daily seem like a healthy, refreshing treat.
Can Cats Have Coconut Oil?
Coconut oil has a very versatile and potent nature. The strong aroma and flavor of the oil are much appreciated by cats even. So it’s more than only a snack for them.
Many cats don’t hesitate to finish up a spoonful of coconut oil just like that. But if your feline friend is not such a huge fan of lapping up oil, you can mix it with his/her wet food.
Coconut milk can also be added to homemade baked cat treats. A small amount of coconut oil can be a part of the ingredients list at such times.
When mixing coconut oil with wet cat-specific food or baked cat treats, serve it slightly warm. What this does is strengthens the coconut scent. And that allows your foodie of a cat to devour coconut oil even more.
Dry Cat Food vs
. Wet Cat Food
How Much Coconut is Safe for a Cat?
Any food that’s high in fatty acids and sugar causes intestinal distress in the case of cats. So the food item should not be a part of his/her daily diet. No matter how much your adorable little kitty is asking for it!
In that context, just some drops of coconut oil are a healthy choice if your pet is fond of coconuts. Avoid feeding coconut flesh to kittens until they grow old enough for eating dry food.
Along the same lines, don’t substitute the kitten’s formula or mother’s milk with coconut milk. The latter doesn’t offer the essential nutrients present in the former. Mother’s milk is what your kitten requires in order to progress into adulthood in a healthy manner.
As for the amount of shredded coconut meat, around a teaspoon is more than enough. Anything more than that on a regular basis can cause pancreatitis, hepatic lipidosis, and hyperlipidemia.
Any visible changes in behavior or strange symptoms start to take form? Then stop feeding coconut immediately. And get in touch with the vet.
Final Verdict
So can felines consume coconut for real? Yes, they can but in moderation.
One thing you should know though is that feeding coconut to cats is not a simple, effortless task. You have to shred the meat of the fruit. Break it down into pieces. So if this extra effort is not a problem for you, then let your cat go coconuts!
But please avoid feeding coconut, in any form, to kittens. Even felines with kidney disease, liver disease, diabetes, and sensitive stomach should not be allowed to savor coconuts. Be it coconut milk, coconut water, or coconut oil.
Cats are carnivores, right? Meaning the digestive tract of a cat is not designed for high-sugar foods. So even if they enjoy coconut doesn’t mean you go on feeding the fruit without setting any boundaries.
Regular snacking on coconuts increases the chances of your cat putting on some weight. So just make sure he/she lives an active lifestyle. Otherwise, no coconuts for the little creature!
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Very nice and informative article about cats and coconut. I also have a pet cat in my home from last 2 years. I often give her crushed coconut added in her diet as a snack. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Cathilina, wish she/he always best.