The question is very simple; can cats eat canned salmon? Is cooked or raw salmon better or worse for them? What about the ingredients packed in such foods, are they safe for felines to consume? It’s time to find out all the correct answers to these questions.
You can’t separate cats from fish, am I right? They go crazy the second they get a whiff. So does that mean it’s okay for you to feed them salmon? Let’s get to know more.
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Can Cats Eat Canned Salmon?
Much like bread and rice for humans, canned salmon for cats is not recommended. Although they can consume a tiny amount of it in the form of treats. And let me explain why.
The thing about canned salmon is that it contains preservatives. The preservatives are what keep the food edible for such a long time. Canned food shelf life sometimes lasts for months and even years. And the reason for that; PRESERVATIVES!
Manufacturers add sodium, salt, or other such preservatives. These are okay for us humans but not for cats and even dogs. In fact, too much sodium content in the food gives rise to dangerous symptoms. Like seizures, body tremors, vomiting, diarrhea, and sometimes even death.
An occasional indulgence is not a bad thing though. It doesn’t give rise to any warning signs. But why even remotely endanger the life of your pet when you can just as easily feed him/her safe alternatives?
If there’s absolutely nothing else in the house to feed or you can’t go out and get the regular cat food, then it’s alright to give canned food. There’s no harm in that or your naughty feline sneakily consuming some of it. No need to panic at such times. A little bit in the form of a treat is totally fine. But make sure to keep it at that.
However, you should know this. Once the taste buds of a cat come in contact with canned salmon, the chances are he/she is going to bug you for more. I don’t think you might have ever come across a cat who doesn’t like devouring tinned salmon.
Can Cats Eat Raw Salmon?
No matter how much your adorable cat begs, do not feed him/her raw salmon. Or the raw form of any other fish. Raw meat is full of harmful bacteria that are prone to causing a tummy ache. Along with other serious health problems.
Raw fish contains an enzyme known to destroy thiamine. The latter is a common vitamin essential for felines and canines. When not enough of it is present, the chances of developing neurological issues get heightened. It can prove to be fatal too.
So the answer is no, you cannot and should not feed raw salmon or any other raw meat to cats.
Can Cats Eat Smoked Salmon?
Even smoked salmon is full of sodium. To cure the fish before smoking, the salmon is placed for many hours in the brine solution. During this time, all the natural moisture gets eliminated. And most importantly, the curing part involves infusing salt into the meat for preserving it.
The combination of no moisture and high salt is, needless to say, detrimental to the health of a cat. Too much salt causes symptoms of hypernatremia like seizures, increased thirst, and disorientation. If not treated, it might even result in death or coma.
About 800mg of salt is found in every 100g of smoked salmon. It’s a dangerous amount, no doubt.
25 Foods That Are Harmful For Your Kitty
Nutritional Value of Salmon for Cats
The one nutrient that takes center stage here is Omega 3. This particular fatty acid is why salmon or any other fish is such a healthy choice. The thing about Omega 3 is that it prevents obesity. But that’s only when consumed in limited amounts.
Salmon is even packed with Vitamin B12, which helps in fighting anemia. There’s also Vitamin B6 for metabolizing the rich content of protein in the fish.
Other highly nutritious components are niacin, selenium, and potassium. To be honest, salmon is the healthiest of all the fish safe for cats to eat. So maybe you can feed your feline some salmon. Just make sure it’s not canned, raw, or smoked. Instead, it should be boiled, poached, grilled, or roasted.
How Much Salmon is Safe for Cats to Eat?
Salmon should be more like a treat than a meal replacement. To be more specific, 15 percent of the cat’s complete diet. Feeding once every week is a safe and healthy decision. Just make sure it’s not more than 2-3 times.
Cats love fish and you simply cannot undermine the fact. But that doesn’t mean you give in every time your precious pet troubles you for it.
I would also like to mention here that salmon eat plants. So the chances of finding toxic chemicals like dioxins and methylmercury in salmon are quite low. This means mercury poisoning is not such a huge possibility in this case.
Even so, make sure your fish comes from clean, fresh water. Avoid buying salmon from your local supermarket unless you’re planning on boiling it for feeding. Boiling fish kills all the harmful bacteria and pathogens.
Final Thoughts
So can cats eat canned salmon? The answer is NO. Can cats eat raw salmon? The answer is NO. Can cats eat smoked salmon? Once again, the answer is NO.
Consuming all of this in a small quantity as a treat is alright. There’s no need for you to rush your little kitty to the emergency room if he/she ends consuming some of it. Just make sure you don’t feed more than just occasionally.
Personally speaking, I don’t give my cats tuna or salmon from cans. Instead, safe I boil, poach, grill, or roast the fish for feeding. And that too just once a week.
Do You Want to Know More Tips and Trick on TopTipsForHer?
- Can Cats Eat Cooked Salmon? (Cats And Fish: What You Need To Know)
- How Much Penicillin to Give a Cat? (Safety Tips You Need To Know)
What about salmon in dry food or salmon oil for a nice coat!
Hi Susan,
I think it’s OKey.