The question is simple, can betta fish see color? Betta fish can not only see but also distinguish between different colors. Like green, red, and blue. So the answer to that simple question is YES. But it’s a little more complicated than that.
You should know that betta fish possess a monocular vision. This allows the species to see and perceive objects in not one but two different directions. So that means they can see something appearing in two different pathways at one and the same time.
Betta fish may be able to distinguish between colors but they cannot see the depth of colors. Now if you’re intrigued, then you should continue reading…
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Can Betta Fish See Color?
Betta fish CAN SEE COLOR. If you think about it logically, you already knew this. I mean what’s the most common trigger for aggression in betta fish? Other colorful species with them in the tank. So if they didn’t have a sense of vision, then betta would not attack other fish. Am I right?
However, betta fish may be able to see color. But how much color or what depth of color they can absorb is the real question here. And it depends on several factors.
How Can Betta Fish See Color?
The sense of vision here is much the same as humans. Meaning their ability to see color is affected by many circumstances.
For example, when the tank doesn’t have enough light. Or if the tank lights are off or during nighttime. Then betta fish cannot see color as they do during the day. Or when the lights are working. This should answer yet another commonly asked question. Can betta fish see in the dark? As far as seeing colors are concerned, the answer is NO.
Also, another good example is the clarity of the water. Is the aquarium water murky? If yes, then obviously it’s going to slightly impair their vision. Murky water also has an effect on the depth of color betta fish can see.
What Are the Different Colors Betta Fish Can See?
Betta can see every color that we humans are able to see. And that’s the case with most species of fish. They have the ability to perceive multiple colors much like humans. But this fun fact is a bit surprising because even dogs don’t have the capacity to see these many colors.
Another very interesting fact is that betta fish see more colors than us. Yes, that’s true. We have cones in the eyes that allow the perception of colors like green, blue, and red. So we have three of these eye cones. But betta fish have more. Betta can not only see the 300 different colors we do. But they also have the ability to perceive ultraviolet colors.
However, you should know that in some cases betta fish cannot see red but can see blue and green.
Amazing Betta Fish Facts
How Do Betta Fish Perceive More Colors Than Humans?
Like I already told you, many factors have an impact on the question, can betta fish see color. Since we’re talking about underwater vision, you have to keep that in mind.
Different colors offer different light wavelengths, correct? Colors nearer to red have longer light wavelengths. While colors that are closer to green and blue have shorter light wavelengths.
#1. Absorption of Light Wavelengths
The different light wavelengths matter when it comes to perceiving color. When these wavelengths are longer, it means they get absorbed quickly. As opposed to shorter wavelengths.
So red color and colors close to red get absorbed in the water quicker than blue and green. In simple words, it’s more difficult to spot red underwater in comparison to blue and green. But this also depends on how deep the water is.
Along with the depth of water, it’s also the distance of the object that affects the vision of betta fish. The farther the object, the more difficult it is for a betta to see it. And if the object is red and travels farther away, seeing it becomes even harder. A little more away and colors like blue and green won’t be easy to perceive either.
#2. Scattering of Light Wavelengths
It’s not just the absorption of light wavelengths that matters. Even how these light wavelengths scatter affects the vision of betta fish. It may not produce the same effect as absorption. Even so, the scattering of light wavelengths does have an impact on can betta fish see color. Let me explain.
The scattering of light wavelengths occurs when the small water particles come into the picture. Much like how clouds or fog works. Expect a lot of these water particles after you’ve just cleaned the tank. So what these particles do is cause light scattering. But then they eventually settle down into the substrate.
That’s Everything You Need to Know About Betta Fish Vision!
It’s out there now that betta fish can not only see but also differentiate between colors. How they see more colors than humans and what affects the way they see colors. All of this is a part of the article. So you can understand your precious betta fish better.
But you should know that only in certain scenarios can betta fish see like humans. This includes when the inevitable effects of light wavelength absorption as well as scattering are in their favor. That means when their vision is not hindered by these factors.
Also, sight is not the primary sense of betta fish. It’s the species’ lateral lines along the body that contributes a great deal to sensing potential differences underwater. Plus, betta fish possess a remarkable sense of smell. They even have great hearing abilities. So for times when betta cannot see that well, he/she can rely on the other senses to know what’s happening.
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Best view i have ever seen !
Thanks to visted.