Going bananas over bananas is common for humans, is it not? But it’s not so common with cats. However, that doesn’t mean some cats don’t enjoy eating bananas. That’s not the point though. The point is, are bananas safe for cats? Is the fruit a healthy and safe choice for your feline who actually likes to consume it?
It’s time to answer every possible question you might have regarding cats and bananas.
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Are Bananas Safe for Cats?
The answer is NO. But bananas aren’t toxic either. They’re not safe because of the high sugar content. Too much sugar is quite difficult for a cat’s digestive system to accept. In that case, a little nibble is not going to kill your pet. But regular exposure does elevate blood sugar, which leads to diabetes and obesity.
So can cats eat bananas? Yes, they can; but they shouldn’t.
The nutritional needs of a cat and even dogs are not the same as humans. You probably know this already. The diet of a pet cat requires special attention for extra nourishment. This nourishment should consist of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, amino acids, taurine, and plenty of fats. In that case, doesn’t a banana offer most of that?
Yes, bananas do. But the body of a cat is not like the human body. The former doesn’t digest food in the same manner as the latter. Also, cats get all their nourishment from cat food. Packaged cat food contains zero artificial sweeteners. It’s because felines don’t have any sweet receptors on the tongue. Meaning their taste buds cannot taste sweet.
So all the more reason to believe that cats don’t enjoy sweet treats like candy, chocolates, or bananas. Unlike humans that simply can’t get enough of sweet treats now and then.

Photo Credit: JuliaC2006 on Flick
Even so, just imagine your adorable cat staring at you while you’re devouring a banana. What do you do at such times? Do you cave in and feed it to your cat? Now you know that bananas are not toxic to feed. So maybe you’ll let the cat just nibble on it a little bit, right? If yes, then I would still advise against it.
Instead, make sure you’re feeding your cat high-quality, well-packaged cat food. When proper cat food is being fed, it means your cat is receiving the right amount of nutrition every single day. So why worry about including extra vitamins in his/her diet!
Are Cats Fond of Eating Bananas?
Not necessary; that’s what bananas are for cats. However, occasional feeding doesn’t hurt unless your little pet is allergic to the fruit. But do cats really like nibbling on bananas?
If you’re a cat parent, then you know how picky felines can be. I have 2 cats. One goes for everything, including sweet potato, carrots, and even unsalted South Asian bread. While the other doesn’t even look at any other food apart from her dry kibbles. Even wet cat food doesn’t appeal to her!
So if your cat is like the former, then chances are he/she might enjoy the taste of bananas. But you know there are many cats that are rather scared of the shape of bananas. Even the odor they find repulsive. This means it all boils down to your picky little creature’s personal preferences.
Do Cats Develop Allergies After Eating Bananas?
If your cat happens to indulge a little bit, you can rest assured knowing there will be no allergic reaction. However, I cannot negate the fact that the type of breed plays an important factor here.
So the best thing to do would be to get to know a little about your cat’s breed. And then formulate or plan his/her diet accordingly. You can even talk to the vet about it. The advice of a medical professional is always correct.
Do Bananas Upset the Tummy of a Cat?
The answer is yes, but only if a lot of it is consumed at once. Now I know that bananas provide the body with valuable energy. But that applies to only humans. Having a banana right before a heavy workout to receive a boost of strength is not the same as feeding a banana to your cat.
The fruit, inside the stomach of a cat, is not easy to break down, hence digest. It causes constipation, irrespective of whether you’re feeding half a banana or a full one.
Are Bananas Safe for Kittens?
A healthy and safe diet for a kitten should include only milk during the first 8 weeks. Even milk substitutes are great. After those 8 weeks, you can slowly transition to kitten-specific cat food until your tiny pet turns 1. And it’s during this stage that it’s okay to allow your kitten to eat bananas. But not in large amounts (less than 10 percent of their daily diet).
You should also know that kittens in their growing phase demand more protein. In comparison to adult cats! So they don’t really benefit much from the high sugar present in bananas.
What is the Safe Alternative to Bananas for Cats?
No need to worry if the answer to “Are bananas safe for cats?” is NO. Or if your feline is not so fond of the fruit. There are other, safer alternatives as well. Such as carrots, apples, and strawberries.
So how about you satisfy your cat’s metaphorical sweet tooth with these healthy treats instead!
Purina Friskies Canned Wet Cat Food 40 ct. Variety Packs | More than 12,300 ratings
So what’s the final say on the matter? Are bananas safe for cats? They might be non-toxic and safe but that doesn’t mean bananas don’t cause diabetes and obesity. The high level of sugar in the fruit is not such a healthy option for felines. So keep the latter away from the former as much as possible.
You want to be a responsible pet parent, right? In that case, make sure your cat thrives on a well-balanced and healthy diet instead.
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1. https://www.felineliving.net/can-cats-eat-bananas
2. https://www.catological.com/can-cats-eat-bananas